Why Does Air Concierge Require Professional Photography?

Air Concierge Offsite requires professional photography — and pays to have one of our vetted pros conduct your initial property shoot — because it has a major impact on your home’s performance.

First, our data shows that listings with professional photos are more than 2x as likely to be booked than listings with amateur images. Travelers are drawn to listings that give them a clear and comprehensive view of what their experience will look like — and that process starts with top-notch photos.

Plus, when travelers arrive at your home, it's important for the reality to live up to expectation. Professional photography guarantees that your property is as advertised and earns positive reviews.

That’s why our professional photographers are vetted to ensure they only shoot high-quality photos in our dimensions and style that pairs with the various Online Listing Sites (Airbnb, VRBO). We’ve refer them on photo-sizing, pixelation, angles, and more so we can display your home accurately and in the best possible light — converting listing lookers to eager bookers and five-star reviewers.

The best news? Our professional photos could:

  • Generate up to a +25% annual increase in earnings, on average

  • Increase listing views by +200%, potentially resulting in 1-3 extra bookings per month 

  • Help your listing rank higher in search algorithms, so more people can find your rental online

Please note: if you make property changes after your initial photoshoot that may warrant new property photos, our requirement of professional photography remains the same. We approach new photography in different ways depending on the circumstance, but we’ll always work with you to make sure professional standards are met.